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Short Film Competition 2013

The major part of Jump Cut is the short film competition, which, unlike some others has no theme and quite accepting rules. We really want you all to be as creative as you like, so we're not asking you to fit into any specific creative boxes. If you want to make a 10-minute Western, go for it! Likewise for a 2-minute CGI animation! Entries have to be 2-10 minutes long, and can belong to any category of film.

All entries will go through a first round of volunteer judging to make sure that they comply with Jump Cut’s rules, terms and conditions, and will then be potentially shortlisted and screened at the main event at Watershed. The number on the shortlist will depend on the length on the films the volunteer judges wish to shortlist but we'll be looking for 10-14. The second round will be judged by our special-guest industry professionals’ panel who will allocate the awards on the day.

The Submission Closing Date is 05/05/13. Between Midnight 05/05/13 and Midnight 09/05/13 the first round judges will draw up our shortlist. The shortlist will be emailed directly first thing on 10/05/13 with personal invites to the festival.

The Jump Cutter's Choice award for most 'liked', shared, and tweeted about film, will go live on the morning of 06/05/13. This is where we ask all our submitters to get as many likes and views, shares and tweets about their films, and quite simply the most 'liked' film, wins. This film will be screened, even if it outside the first round judges' shortlist. It will also win an illustrious prize. The closing date and time for ceasing to share your films is 11/05/13 at Midday. The winner will be worked out then and emailed straight away. Find out more, take part, and like and share your films here.

There are two bands of awards. The first band is the shortlist itself, who will be rewarded with public exhibition at a great independent screen venue, Watershed, plus some goodies. The second band are the final awards, the prizes for which are to be announced on Sunday.

Some of the prizes that go with each award have not been finalised yet, but the award categories up for grabs at the moment are:

Best Film | Outstanding Technical Achievement | Bristol-Bound | Jump Cutter's Choice

Stay tuned for all the details on the prizes for each award when our Awards Page goes live later this week!


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